Financial Freedom and Prosperity

Enjoying Financial Freedom

Welcome to Ultimate Destinyland where together we collect, share and evaluate resources for realizing more of your potential as you Discover and Manifest Your Ultimate Destiny!

It is possible to have a great deal of money and not be free or prosperous. It is also possible to be flat broke and yet be free and maintain a positive attitude toward life. But most people would agree that the best of all worlds would be to have an abundance of money, freedom from financial worries, and the joy of feeling successful in their chosen work or career.

In the United States the material wealth available and the standard of living staggers the imagination of citizens in much of the undeveloped world. Yet a great many people in the U.S. struggle to meet the most basic of needs, make a decent living, or to live within their means. The problem for many people is that wealth begins in the mind, extends to the heart, and from there flows out to the rest of the world. Translated into action, this means that wealth begins with an idea that could help or be of service to your fellow man, and from there becomes the thoughts, decisions, and actions that will deliver that service to the world.

Of course, there are a good many people who inherit large sums of money from parents or grandparents, but unless that money is put to work in the service of others, it often disappears quickly or destroys those who inherited it. In our experience, those who have huge sums of money make a great deal of effort to share it with others through foundations, grants, and outright gifts. They take the work of managing this money very seriously, and they love the thrill of giving. Being able to help others is one of the great joys of life.

Most of us, however, are not dealing with huge sums of money. We are just trying to get by. If you are making enough money each year to live in a nice house, drive a decent care, wear reasonable clothes, and take a vacation each summer – but your debt is more than the value of what you own plus what you have in your savings account, then your financial situation is precarious. If you should get sick, lose your job, or even just have to take a demotion, you could end up losing everything.

If you do not have a large debt, yet cannot afford to go on vacation –and would love to, need a different kind of car but can’t afford the kind you need, need a bigger (or smaller) house but can’t afford the costs of selling and moving, it’s time to take action. Financial freedom is the freedom to do what you want or need to do, and prosperity is the ability make financial moves in such a way that everyone wins and no one is set back into debt.

Achieving financial freedom starts with some honest self-evaluations of how you feel about your money and what your true financial condition is. You have to be willing to ask yourself if you are satisfied with the money you have and the way it is managed and spent. And you have to be willing to listen carefully to your own answers.

If you don’t have your own money, you may have to explore issues, emotional excuses, and other obstacles to getting you own cash. Have you somehow “bought into” a system that disempowers you? Were you looking for an easy way out of being responsible for yourself? Were you so grateful to have a spouse with money, or a business partner that made the business profitable, that you sold yourself short and made a poor deal for you?

You might have to face the fact that you dreamed of having a different career and yet couldn’t see how you would make money from that kind of work. If you forced yourself into another line of work that doesn’t have your heart or your passion, that may be the reason you aren’t feeling prosperous – you just don’t care enough about that kind of work!

Other steps involve allowing yourself to relax enough to truly envision how you would like your financial life to be, learning how to set goals, taking some meaningful action on a regular basis, dealing with the people close to you, and finding support for the changes you are making.

Whatever your situation, Achieving Financial Freedom and Prosperity will help you see yourself, your money, and your own personal path to abundance as not only important, but a worthy goal. It will help you uncover your financial habits, your positive and negative beliefs about money, your fears and your possibilities. Don’t wait. There’s no reason to struggle. You can start your journey to wealth, wisdom, and prosperity today.

We live in an abundant world with plenty to go around and yet,
many people look at their bank account and see anything but abundance.

The focus of this program is to teach you how to replace a scarcity
mentality with one of abundance and allow yourself to receive all that is intended for your good and the good of those around you

Enjoying Financial Freedom and Prosperity includes pre and post self-assessment quizzes, featured resources, application exercises and tools for planning what priority action steps to take to achieve your ultimate success in this area of successful living.

The Program includes 12 main sections designed to help you discover your dreams and realize your ultimate success:

1. Know Thyself! Self Assessment Discovery Exercise

2. How to Envision Your Ideal Future as You Harness the Creative Powers of Your Imagination

3. How to create A Feeling of Gratitude for the Realization of the Vision of Your Ultimate Potential

4. How to Set and Achieve S.M.A.R.T. Goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-Dated)

5. How to Develop and Implement Action Plans

6. How to Use Visualization with Vision Boards and Treasure Maps

7. How to Develop and Use Affirmation Statements

8. How to Nurture Your Heart’s Desires

9. How to Identify and Work with Coaches, Mentors and Cheerleaders

10. How to Create Your Own Mastermind Support Team

11. How to Apply the Law of Attraction by Flowing Positive Energy to Your Vision

12. How to Benefit from Engaging in Lifelong Learning of Essential Successful Living Skills

Table headers:



Provides a condensed but broad look at evaluating your financial status and your goals in this area Get control of your finances and
set your own course to freedom
Presents a challenge to determine what financial freedom means to you Discover what you want to attain
by getting clear on your deepest desires in the arena of financial freedom.
Discusses socially conscious investing. Grow your money through investments that follow values that are important to you.
Provides a variety of tools that can be worked individually or together. Do more of your favorite things and make money by applying universal principles.
Step by step guides for developing skills that you will use for other aspects of life as well. Enhance all of life while gaining financial independence by transferring the same useful principles to other areas.

Enjoying Financial Freedom and Prosperityalso includes featured resources including printed and digital book, audio and video programs, seminars, workshops, webinars, teleseminars and live events from some of the top resource providers in the world.

These include Paul J. Meyer, Brian Tracy, Les Brown, Jim Rohn, Mark Victor Hansen, Wayne Dyer, Tony Robbins, T. Harv Eker, Marianne Williamson, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Jean Houston, Deepak Chopra, Chris Howard, Robert Allen, Bob Proctor, Denis Waitley, Lynne Pierce, Jack Canfield, Jim Britt, Jack Zufelt, Dr. Jerry Teplitz, and hundreds of other best-selling authors, trainers and successful living coaches.

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Enjoying Financial Freedom and Prosperity is a Treasure Chest packed with over 50 pages of original content, fun and insightful self discovery assessments, Master Goals Setting Forms, Implementation Action Planning Exercises and several hundred dollars worth of FREE BONUSES.

Enjoying Financial Freedom Book

Enjoying Financial Freedom Book

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